Thursday, May 22, 2014

At Home Teeth Whitening

As introduced in my last post, this is the kit I have purchased to Whiten my teeth!

I have been thinking about trying one of these for a long time, having figured I cannot afford Laser teeth Whitening.

I looked in Boots, and found this two week Rapid White kit on offer with everything you need in the box. Having purchased on impulse and not reading any reviews I am still slightly skeptical, but it was 1/3 off and I had a voucher with my advantage card, so I ended up paying less than half the original cost- only spending £10.

So here is what came in the box, the mouth moulds, the toothpaste for use before and after the treatment, the activating gel and the Whitening gel itself.

The molds were really easy to do, it was simply a case of dunking them in just boiled water and shaping them around my teeth for around 20 seconds before they had set. If you have trouble you can repeat the process too so you get them perfectly set.

You can use this kit up to 4 times per year, but it doesn't clearly state how long the results last for. I measured my teeth for Whiteness and judged mine to be at level 5-6 before treatment. It was easier to do this in good day light and I crossed my eyes slightly so the colour blurred to make it easier to judge.

After only 3 applications I already noticed a difference as you can see here:

So here is a  quick run down of how to use the set.

1. Set the molds
2. Brush teeth normally
3. Apply the Whitening gel to the inner molds
3. Widen mouth and apply the activator stick to all teeth, being careful not to let it rub on to gums
4. Put the molds on to bottom and upper teeth
5. Leave the molds on for 5-10 minutes
6. Take out molds and rinse mouth 2-3 times
7. Brush teeth again with the Whitening tooth paste provided

This process needs to be done twice a day for two weeks.

I won't lie, the first few times I used the molds I gagged. It isn't the most pleasant thing not being able to swallow or speak for 5-10 minutes. But I am becoming used to it, and hope the results will be worth it.

I will keep you updated with how it is going!

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